## This file stands up an Orbital instance, along with a Postgres database ## ## Orbital will create a simple, single project workspace, which by default ## watches the directory where this docker-compose file is deployed. ## ## You can launch orbital directly by downloading this file, and ## running docker-compose up. ## ## For example: ## ## curl https://start.orbitalhq.com -o "docker-compose.yml" ## optionally: ## docker-compose pull ## docker-compose up -d ## ## Also, you can launch Orbital pre-configured from within a Taxi project ## by running: ## ## taxi orbital ## ## The following variables can be set in a .env file: ## ## ORBITAL_VERSION (default: next) ## SCHEMA_PATH (default: current directory .) version: "3.3" services: orbital: image: orbitalhq/orbital:${ORBITAL_VERSION:-next} environment: JAVA_OPTS: >- -Xms256m -Xmx1024m OPTIONS: >- --vyne.analytics.persistRemoteCallResponses=true --vyne.analytics.persistResults=true --vyne.db.username=orbital --vyne.db.password=changeme --vyne.db.host=postgres --vyne.workspace.project-file=/opt/service/workspace/taxi.conf # If you're using a workspace, rather than a single-project config, # use this option. # --vyne.workspace.config-file=/opt/service/workspace/workspace.conf ports: - "9022:9022" expose: - 9022 volumes: - ~/.orbital/license/:/opt/var/vyne/license/ - .:/opt/service/workspace depends_on: - postgres deploy: resources: limits: memory: 600mb postgres: image: postgres:15 expose: - 5432 ports: - "25432:5432" environment: POSTGRES_DB: orbital POSTGRES_USER: orbital POSTGRES_PASSWORD: changeme volumes: - postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data ## The below services are optional. Uncomment them to include. # stream-server is responsible for running # ETL pipelines and saved stream queries, if you have # any configured. # Optional, can omit if you're not using either of those. # stream-server: # image: orbitalhq/stream-server:${ORBITAL_VERSION:-next} # environment: # JAVA_OPTS: >- # -Xms256m # -Xmx1024m # prometheus instance, which scrapes metrics from # the orbital and the stream-server # Optional. # If provided (and configured), then # metrics are shown in endpoint dashboards # prometheus: # image: prom/prometheus:v2.44.0 # ports: # - "9090:9090" # volumes: # # Get a sample prometheus.yml file from docs # - ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml volumes: postgres_data: